Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Building Relationships

Throughout our time here in Ghana we are building relationships with people of the communities of Dampong and Abrewenko. Here are some of the people that we have connected with this week. 

Victoria--18, done w high school, needs to pass final test. Then she wants to go to Police training school.  She remembered the folks from 4 years ago. 

Agnes--14, doesn't go to Abrewenko school yet, but probably will when it starts up again in the fall. She knew enough English that she was translating for the little kids. In this culture many young girls (as early as 5-6) begin taking care of the littlest babies. 

Francis--connected with Ole and Craig. One more year of high school. Clean cut young man who is looking to go to the university to teach. He has an interest in geography and physics.  He is very intelligent and speaks English very well.

Martin--chaplain at the Abrewenko church. He is a catachist, which is an assistant pastor who hasn't yet gone to seminary. In America we call people like this a lay-pastor. He has a passion to reach the community of Abrewenko through the school and the church there. Since there isn't any electricity out there he was suggesting a solar panel would help their church and school which could powers machines needed for both those places. 

The school buildings in Abrewenko are coming along very well. The first building will be completed today. It has been fun to watch our Cora Lueben playing and singing with the kids. She would teach them English words and phrases and then they would teach her Ghanaian phrases. Rachelle Koopmeiners really connected with the kids on Tuesday when she played a game of "pick up the trash" around the school yard. That led to jumping jacks and push-ups, a rousing game of tag and finally a game of soccer. We've discovered Craig Francis and Luke Koopmeiners both love to play soccer so the kids are having lots of fun with them as well. 

We know that many back home are worried about the Ebola virus and how we are staying safe. The truth is, we haven't heard anything about it and wouldn't know if it is in Ghana or not. We are being safe and so far The Lord has blessed us with good health. We may have one broken toe in the group, but that hasn't stopped building the relationships or the schools. 

Thanks again to all for your prayers for our safety. We feel blessed to be able to serve the Lord and represent PCOTW as missionaries here in Ghana. 

Blessings- Your Ghana missionaries

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